Information and Communication Technology / Library
We educate students so they can succeed in the digitally connected world around them.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a crucial role as we prepare students to succeed in the digitally connected world around them. At ICS, we believe it is important that students acquire computer literacy at an early age. ICT allows students to investigate, create, communicate, collaborate, organize, and be responsible for their learning.
Students in grades 2-5 have ICT lessons once a week with Chrissy Ford, our ICT teacher. Students are assigned a Google for Education account that they use to log in to the computer during ICT lessons. Students learn to use a variety of apps and programs including Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, Classroom, IXL, and Epic! Kindergarten and 1st grade students use iPads, classroom computers, and Chromebooks at technology stations, which they use to visit educational sites such as Starfall and ABCya.
ICT Projects at ICS
The ICS Library
All ICS students visit the school library weekly to learn about book borrowing etiquette and how a library is organized. They have access to a wide range of books in English, Spanish, and Portuguese and are allowed to check out books to read at home. Each week, students alternate between borrowing books in English and Spanish or Portuguese to ensure they are reading in both languages.
Our library borrowing etiquette focuses on helping students learn to take care of books. In the event that books are damaged, lost, or overdue, we have the following policy:
- Books must be returned each week.
- Books that are lost or damaged beyond repair must be replaced with a copy of the same title or payment must be made so the school can replace the book.
- Books with minor damage should be returned to the library to be repaired by library staff. Students should not attempt to repair books themselves.
Each year ICS replaces worn and damaged library materials with new titles. We welcome any suggestions and donations of new titles from our students, faculty, staff, and community.