Physical Education
Physical activity is an important part of being healthy and helps children to be engaged learners.
The physical education (PE) program at ICS stresses the importance of achieving an appropriate level of physical fitness, at school and in everyday life. Students participate in activities that develop motor skills, basic game skills, and body awareness.
The program is led by PE teacher Kimberly Davis, BS. Students participate in physical education classes once every three days for 45 minutes each class.
Fuel Up to Play 60
ICS participates in Fuel Up to Play 60, the nation’s largest in-school health and wellness program created by the National Dairy Council and National Football League in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This free program offers funding opportunities for schools and an online Playbook full of school-tested action strategies to improve healthy eating and physical activity at school and beyond.
Fuel Up to Play 60 empowers students to take the lead in making healthy changes in their school and a positive impact in their community.