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ICS Committees

We are grateful for the various committees working to address our school’s needs.

ICS operates as an independent, self-funded, 501(c)3 corporation with its own Director and Board of Trustees. As part of this structure, ICS is fortunate to have a variety of committees to address and facilitate various aspects of the school’s operations and to help support our mission. Committees are made up of staff, families, and community members who give their time and expertise to benefit the school.

Local Advisory Committee

The ICS Local Advisory Committee (LAC) is required by the state of Rhode Island for students with an individual education plan (IEP). The ICS LAC is made up of ICS families, staff, and community members working together on behalf of students with special needs. The LAC meets several times a year to discuss issues related to special education at ICS.

Roles and responsibilities of the Local Advisory Committee may include:

  • Advocating in partnership with parents for students with disabilities to ensure they receive what they are entitled to under state and federal law
  • Commenting publicly on the school district’s compliance with state and federal laws related to the education of students with disabilities
  • Commenting on improvement plans for the school
  • Commenting on applications of federal and state funds

Please contact our Student Services Director Katie Nerstheimer at 401-721-0824, ext. 216 if you have any questions or would like to get involved in the LAC.

Health & Wellness Committee

ICS’s Health & Wellness Committee (HWC) is comprised of school personnel, community members, and students to plan, implement, and assess ongoing activities that promote healthy lifestyles, physical activity, and positive social interactions for all members of the school community. Events have included roller skating parties, family hikes, and the annual 5k Color Run. 

The HWC guides school decision-making related to physical activity and nutrition that encompasses all aspects of the school and supports the physical education program and ICS Health & Wellness Policy. Contact PE Teacher Kimberly Davis at 401-721-0824, ext. 112 for more information. 

Board of Trustees Committees

Under the governance of the Board of Trustees, the following ICS committees are made up of ICS families, staff, and community members:

  • Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committe is made up of the Board President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. This group meets monthly with the ICS Director to set meeting agendas, design Board discussions, and fulfill open meetings laws. The Executive Committee also supports the Director to assess progress on her annual goals, as laid out in the evaluation.
  • Finance Committee – Reporting to the Board of Trustees and taking direction from the strategic plan, the Finance Committee is responsible for creating the upcoming fiscal year budget, including presenting budget recommendations to the Board, monitoring the implementation of the approved budget on a regular basis, recommending proposed budget revisions, and appropriate policies for the management of the Corporation’s assets. 
  • Governance Committee – This committee monitors and facilitates the healthy operation of the Board, its committees, and individual members. This function involves reviewing and drafting policies; identifying organizational needs, including candidates for involvement in the organization; recommending committee chairs; reviewing job descriptions; as well as evaluating and facilitating the annual Board election process.
  • Strategic Planning Committee – This ad-hoc committee of the ICS Board of Trustees is responsible for revising the school’s strategic plan and for setting the school’s high-level priorities and direction. The committee seeks input from students, staff, teachers, parents, peer schools, Board members, and others, to ensure that the plan reflects the needs and goals of the entire school community.
  • Development Committee – ICS relies on support from both public and private sources to operate. The ICS Development Committee is tasked with helping raise funds to support various school needs—everything from new exterior signage to chromebooks for students and laptops for teachers to a whole array of classroom materials that support student learning. 
  • Expansion Committee – ICS is interested in expanding to offer grades 6-8 and to add a second Portuguese/English class in all grades—and to do this, we need a larger building. The Expansion Committee has been working to locate an appropriate facility so that more Rhode Island students can have access to ICS’s nationally recognized dual-language education program.

ICS community members are welcome to participate in the Board of Trustees committees and attend meetings, which are publicly posted at the school. To learn more, please contact ICS Director Julie Nora

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