Health & Wellness
Promoting health & wellness education, activities, and awareness is a priority at ICS.
Nutrition and health education, physical activity, daily recess, and healthy school meals and snacks are part of our curriculum at all grade levels. Students learn the importance of keeping their body healthy through proper care and hygiene, good nutrition, and physical activity.
ICS's Health & Wellness Policy
As a public school with a federally assisted National School Lunch Program, ICS is required to meet federal requirements for nutrition, physical education, health education, and physical activity. ICS’s Health & Wellness Policy is based on science, research, and best practices from exemplary school districts around the United States. The Policy is a written action plan to promote children’s health and wellness.
School Meals and Snacks
Physical Activity & Nutrition
ICS recognizes the importance of physical activity for children to maintain physical fitness and facilitate learning. All students participate in physical education classes once every three days for 45 minutes where they spend at least 50% of class time engaged in moderate to vigorous activity.
In addition, opportunities for physical activity are regularly incorporated into other subject areas in the classroom (language arts, math, science, and social studies). All students have daily recess outdoors for at least 20 minutes per day, or indoors in the event of bad weather.
In June, all students participate in our annual field day. This fun and much-anticipated event features a variety of field games such as tug-of-war, water balloon toss, potato sack races, and much more.
The primary goal of nutrition education at ICS is to guide students in making healthy food and drink choices. Messaging about healthy eating is posted around the school in classrooms and the cafeteria. Nutrition education in incorporated into other subject areas, including academics.
Health & Wellness Committee
ICS’s Health & Wellness Committee helps promote and support our health and wellness goals for students, parents, teachers, and community members. The Committee sponsors a variety of activities throughout the school year, such as family hikes to Rome Point during seal migrations, roller skating parties, and the annual 5k Color Run.