ICS Parent Association
We are grateful to have an active and engaged parent association (PA).
The mission of the ICS PA is to promote a sense of community in the school, to develop and support enrichment programs and services for our students and families, and to provide input on all areas of school activity. PA initiatives include:
- Fundraisers and community-building events
- Staff and teacher appreciation week
- Supplemental family assistance
- Budget relief for classrooms
- Facilities and technology improvements
- Communication via the PA Facebook page and e-newsletters
- After-school programming and partnerships, scholarships, and support
- Volunteers for school events and programsA
“There is no better way to be part of your child’s school life than to show up and volunteer.”
—Danielle K., former PA Co-president
PA Meetings
All members of the ICS community—families, caregivers, teachers, and staff—are welcome. Interpretation and child care are available upon request.
PA meetings are held monthly in the ICS Community Room from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
- Next meeting TBD
Email PA@internationalcharterschool.org to get involved.
“Ser parte de, y colaborar con el PTO de ICS a lo largo de los años, es un privilegio que me permite contribuir mi granito de arena con una escuela que le ha dado tanto a mis hijos y a mi familia.”
—Martha M., ICS former PA Co-president
2022-23 PA Executive Team
TBD, Co-President
TBD, Co-President
TBD, Co-Treasurer
Kimberly Martins, Co-Treasurer
Annetti Perea, Family and Community Relation Liaison, 401-721-0824, ext. 214
Vacant, Secretary
Martha Meier, Communications Coordinators for Social Media, Newsletter, Fliers
Event chairs are also always needed.