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After School / ICS+

ICS+ is our high-quality program for families needing after-school care.

ICS+ provides our families with a safe and stimulating option for after-school care and learning opportunities from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. 

The program is aligned with the ICS mission, including developing students’ social and emotional skills, focusing on multilingual and multicultural experiences, and providing opportunities for students to develop academically.

A nutritious after-school snack and opportunities for physical activity are provided. 

Program Information

ICS+ is available from 3:00-6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday on days when school is in session. The program does not run on school holidays. The ICS+ program fee is $25 per day. A deposit of two  weeks tuition is required at the time of registration.

If you would like to register your child/children for ICS+, please complete the application form in your preferred language and return it by August 26th.

For more information about ICS+, please review the ICS+ Program Handbook or contact our ICS+ Coordinator at 401-721-0824.

Teaching in the languages of our community: English, español, and Português

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